Seed tubers (seed potatoes) within and between lots differ in health status. Compared to other annual field crops, such as wheat and maize that also.
Yield gap analysis (YGA) consists of obtaining and processing data on potential, attainable and actual yields. These data come from modelling,.
The climatic factor that most affects yields in rainfed crops is precipitation, mainly as rain during the growing season. The water availability of.
When the potato crop has just been planted, soil surface water evaporates. After emergence, the plant loses water through transpiration. The term.
Potential yield is the theoretical yield that can be calculated when all the rates such as the photosynthetic rate, respiration rate and distribution.
The model used to calculate potential potato yield (see image below) assumes that there is no lack of water nor that yields are limited by lack of.
The attainable yield is the yield that a crop obtains when all possible care to the crop has been given. More fertilizers than economically.
The potential yield is the yield that the crop obtains theoretically when all production defining abiotic growth factors such as CO2, solar radiation.