Washing of tubers to remove adhering dust, soil and clay caps usually takes place in the processing factory prior to peeling. Moreover, packers.
Tuber grading takes place when the tubers enter the store or when they leave the store. Processing companies for chips production take in the whole.
Potatoes are graded according to sizes as required by the users. Smaller seed sizes fetch higher prices than large one per kg because per kilogram.
Potato sorting involves the removal of unwanted rotten or odd-shaped tubers, clods, stones and other foreign bodies such as crop remains or pieces.
Where there is only one growing season per year such as in temperate climates, the seed potato crop with an about four-month growing season is.
During storage of potatoes, the temperature, the relative humidity and the concentration of carbon dioxide are monitored. The temperature in an.
In potato production environments without or with limited mechanization, potatoes are picked up by hand and carried in baskets or bags to the place.
In order to avoid making wrong decisions and wrong choices when investing in a storehouse, it is sensible to consult knowledgeable and experienced.
After the purchase and installation of a storage facility, the supplier can still make a valuable contribution to storage efficiency.
Potatoes in storage, will first need to be warmed up before transport. The desired and/or optimal temperature for the delivery of potatoes on the.