The content of this blog is the foreword from the Editorial Director published in PotatoWorld magazine 2020/04.
Until the third quarter of the last century, potato was a local for local foodstuff. It was produced and consumed or processed within one or a few.
The content of this blog is the PotatoWorld dish published in PotatoWorld magazine 2020/03 and contains recipe for a potato dish created by Ingrid.
Washing of tubers to remove adhering dust, soil and clay caps usually takes place in the processing factory prior to peeling. Moreover, packers.
The content of this blog is the Potato World vision column published in PotatoWorld magazine 2020/03.
Tuber grading takes place when the tubers enter the store or when they leave the store. Processing companies for chips production take in the whole.
Potatoes are graded according to sizes as required by the users. Smaller seed sizes fetch higher prices than large one per kg because per kilogram.
Potato sorting involves the removal of unwanted rotten or odd-shaped tubers, clods, stones and other foreign bodies such as crop remains or pieces.
‘If you see what we’ve achieved in 150 years of potato cultivation, it’s in stark contrast, for example, to the breeding of sugar beet and maize. By.
Where there is only one growing season per year such as in temperate climates, the seed potato crop with an about four-month growing season is.