Potatoes in storage, will first need to be warmed up before transport. The desired and/or optimal temperature for the delivery of potatoes on the.
When the potato crop has just been planted, soil surface water evaporates. After emergence, the plant loses water through transpiration. The term.
The processes of wound healing and drying is easier to control in a box-storage. Attention to the weather during the storage period is an important.
Potential yield is the theoretical yield that can be calculated when all the rates such as the photosynthetic rate, respiration rate and distribution.
On hot days, start early in the morning and lift until noon, start or restart early in the evening and work until late in the evening, bearing in.
The model used to calculate potential potato yield (see image below) assumes that there is no lack of water nor that yields are limited by lack of.
If the storehouse is equipped with mechanical cooling, it is possible to cool the tubers quickly to the desired storage temperature. Bringing the.
A higher CO2 concentration of the air, a factor in climate change according to its definition in the Potato handbook, increases the internal CO2.
In order to be able to cool the potatoes adequately, it is important to fill the storage cells and boxes in the most optimal way.
Unlike some other vegetables like tomato, onion, carrot and cabbage that can be eaten raw but often are also prepared in the kitchen, potato always.