In Europe, the European Commission has decided that potato growers are no longer allowed to use Chlorpropham in the storage of potatoes. This ban on.
The content of this blog is the Potato World vision column by Koen van Hartevelt published in PotatoWorld magazine 2021/02.
Precision agriculture (PA) is a farming management concept based on observing, measuring and responding to inter and intra-field variability in.
The content of this blog is the foreword from the Editorial Director, published in PotatoWorld magazine 2021/02.
Insect populations increase with increased temperature. Three insects are of particular importance when it comes to potato production, with.
When potato originally was introduced from South America to Europe and from there was distributed globally, hardly any diseases and pests came.
The development rate of pests and disease is the increase rate of their population. The population is expressed as the number of spores in case of.
The seed tuber as propagation material of the potato plant is determined by, amongst other things, its size and age. The amount of seed planted per.
Like insects, potatoes have four distinct appearances. A butterfly deposits its eggs on a leaf, that generate a caterpillar that grows during a few.
Seed tubers (seed potatoes) within and between lots differ in health status. Compared to other annual field crops, such as wheat and maize that also.